Friday, May 30, 2014

All Government Endeavored is to Service Themselves?

We have economic crisis and huge national debt but the leaders don’t seem to mind to snatch away the already scarce resources to pay for themselves and their subjects (civil servants). The pay hike including house rent allowances would cost the govt of about Nu. 1790 million annually. I say it's Nu. 1790,000,000.00 the amount which can feed the entire population for about two-three months. Although certain pay hike was justifiable but what we see is huge pay raise including house rent amid economic crisis. With increasing desire of civil servants and the way how the pay hike of civil servants is patronized by the political party, we have a reason to worry how the country would fare in the long run. 

The domestic revenue that the country earns is barely enough to feed our civil servants and political masters. It appears like what the country endeavored to prosper is only to service the service providers(govt). What has trickled down to the people is meagre. The biggest share of the people’s money still retains within bureaucrats and elected officials. With ever increasing current expenditures, Bhutan’s dream of self reliant would be a thing of impossibility.       

Such a move for the fat pay raise is not in line with the govt’s propagandistic austerity measures. As I understand now, all the govt did with austerity measures were for their own benefits. What a shame! After the PDP took over the charge of government, the cabinet has declared that they will not hike their pay packages. Now will the cabinet take back their words? I am bit confused. Isn’t it a case of cheating?

Parliamentarians have, with not much to say, endorsed the pay hike as recommended by the Pay Commission apparently because they have the most salary increase.

The most unfortunate people who would be bearing the consequences are the poor farmers and the private employees. It’s highly likely that the economic situation would be further aggravated. With more purchasing power and more money in the market, it’s destined to pressure on the INR.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Gist of the Mistaken View of Tobacco Ban

1. Who're the people earnestly propagating for the lift of ban of tobacco?
Ans: From among only two categories of people, Smokers and Non-smokers, it’s logical to simply believe that those are smokers who are behind this move.

2. Everyone is talking as if tobacco is prohibited/banned completely in Bhutan. Are smokers not allowed to use tobacco products in the country?
Ans: No, there's no as such ban. It's just that sale of tobacco is prohibited. Smokers can smoke/chew to their heart's content by purchasing through proper channel. Nobody trespassed their private matter.

3. Is the ban meant to demean tobacco abusers? Who're benefiting from the ban of tobacco sale?
Ans: The ban is nothing to do with smokers. It's for the larger section of the society especially the younger generations who could keep these substances at bay. The endangerment of lives through use of tobacco would be reduced.

4. Then who the hell are the smokers poking their nose? What's the main motive behind smokers making hue & cry over ban of tobacco?
Ans: Because they cannot move their ass to get the tobacco products through legitimate means. They barked because they are too lazy to bring in the tobacco products through proper procedures.

6. When everything is obvious, why National Council is with heavy hand to lift the ban? Can the nation afford to stoop too low to these smokers at their own fancy at the cost of society?
Ans: Most local leaders are against the NC’s move to lift the ban. It’s only logical to conclude that NC acted for the sake of smokers’ sentiments. The other probable reason could be because most NC members are smokers themselves and couldn’t think from the lens of non-smokers.

7. One of the reason cited for lift of ban of tobacco as per NC is because of smuggling rampant. How true is it?  
Ans: I am a non smoker and believe me I didn't see or heard  any sort of smuggling cases anywhere on my own. I don't know where one can get the banned substances as claimed by some. I am sure many younger generations wouldn't have easy access to these substances. I am certain that such perception is pertinent from the lens of abusers who have link with smugglers. It's apparent that NC went on with the decision to lift the ban based on the perception of smokers. I would agree that smuggling could be prevalent but that shouldn't have been the reason to ban the lift of tobacco altogether.

8. NC has already endorsed for the lift of ban. Do you think NA would obstruct the NC's move?
Ans: Probably not because the Prime Minister has been the chief objector to Tobacco ban when almost 96% of the erstwhile NA and 100% NC voted in favour of tobacco ban and more so because PM himself is chronic smoker. In any case, we could expect less from these ruling government because they have proven beyond doubt that they do no posses required competence. At the end, I bet, smokers will be the winners. No one can dispute this fact.       

NB: I am a victim of persistent exposure to someone's irresponsible smoking who seemed less bothered to think that he's endangering my life and others around him. So take this issue as something of my business should any viewer think of such.